Welcome to the Ashburnham English Song Awards

Applications for our 2025 Competition are now OPEN – Deadline for applications is Friday 28th February. Please make sure to get ALL applications in before the deadline and we look forward to hearing from you.

The Ashburnham English Song Awards, was created by internationally renowned opera singer, Louise Winter. Read in Louise’s own words, why she created the Awards and how important they are to the future of classical song.

‘As we enter our third year of the Ashburnham English Song Awards, I would like to reflect on where it all started. This journey began after lockdown in 2021, when I wanted to find a way to instil an interest amongst young singers and pianists in the rich variety of English Song repertoire. It was initially propelled by the death of a much-loved member of our musical community, Molly Townson, and the wealth of music, much of it English Song, which her family kindly entrusted to my care. The combination of Molly’s legacy, and my own interest in re-engaging our young singers in English song, planted the seed of a project nearer to home.

French song tradition has chanson; Italian song tradition has canzone/canzonette; German song tradition has Lieder. English Song, for the Ashburnham English Song Awards, is a concise composition of melody and words in the English language by composers of the British Isles and Ireland, performed by singers and pianists up to the age of thirty-two. In establishing the Awards, with this firmer definition of English Song, we hope to given performers the opportunity to achieve excellence in this genre.’

Louise Winter, Artistic Director